There are many parents and relatives who invest every year a greater effort, time and budget so that the little ones of the house become the real kings during January 6, but can gifts have negative repercussions?
One of the most common images that is repeated around the Christmas trees of each house with children, on Christmas Day or after the arrival of the Three Kings: that of the little ones literally tearing off the wrapping of the gifts, at high speed, to discover what is inside and move on to the next package, no more. And so one after another.
According to experts, from the fourth package it does not matter what is inside, because the child will not pay attention. How many gifts should a child receive at Christmas? It’s the million-dollar question, but never more than three or four toys. If there are more, let them be didactic and educational things, such as books, blackboards or puzzles. In ralphlaurenclearanceuk you will find all the games that will help the little ones of the house learn and enjoy playing.
Not getting everything our children have asked of their Majesties the Magi or Santa Claus can be a great opportunity to teach them that we do not always get everything we want. This type of occasion, then, well used can be a great pedagogical tool: a way to educate their tolerance to the frustration of our children.
It is also a good time that we must take advantage of to give books, reading is an infinite source of stories, games, discoveries, emotions and above all learning. Reading opens a new world to the imagination of children, we offer a large catalog of books in our extensive library.